View Full Version : favourite movie

Manly Boy
23-07-06, 03:07 PM
Post here to say what your favourite movie at the moment is. It will be interesting to see who likes what kind of movies. My favourite one lately is Fast and the Furous: Tokyo Drift. This is an awesome movie and shows some cool stuff you could do in your car (although you shouldn't)..

Darren Lockyer
23-07-06, 03:15 PM
yeah same probably or Pirates of the carribean.

23-07-06, 03:26 PM
My all time favourite movie is Memento, and a close runner-up Batman Begins.

~Wild Child~
23-07-06, 07:56 PM
K ill Bill 1&2 :satan:

23-07-06, 08:24 PM
My favourite movie of the moment is Cars. My favourite character from the movie is Ramone. I mean, come on! A 59 Chevy Lowrider! How cool is that?!

My favourite movie of all time, however, is Double Agent 73, which starred the amazingly talented *coughcough* Chesty Morgan (yes, I am not making her name up!). Basically, the only thing Chesty Morgan was famous for was having a 73 inch bust. That's right, 73 inches. And trust me folks, you don't wanna have anything to eat before watching this movie. The basic plot is that she is a secret agent who has a camera implanted in her left breast, so whenever she needs to photograph the usual spy stuff (secret documents, bad guys she has killed etc), off comes the top, out come the most hideous breasts known to man, one deft up and down movement of the left breast (complete with clicking camera sound effect), and viola, instant spy camera! So basically, the entire aim of the movie is to get Chesty to remove her top as much as possible! And speaking of Chesty's chest, there is one scene where she is being attacked, strangely enough whilst topless, and she knocks the guy out cold with the most amazing left-right breast combination ever seen! Let's see Muhummad Ali do that! I'll tell you what: most people don't believe me that this movie exists. And when I show it to them, they don't believe it should exist! I swear, I have people who are now 'former friends' because I showed them this movie! You often hear of movies being voted 'Worst Movie Of All Time'. Movies like Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes; or Plan 9 From Outer Space. Believe me folks, the people who think they are the worst movies have never even heard of this one! This movie leaves them all for dead! This movie makes Plan 9 look like a Steven Speilberg movie by comparison!
Her acting is so bad they don't even use her real voice! That's right folks, she's overdubbed! Which is piss funny really! Just a quick note here, another movie she was in, called Deadly Weapons (no stretch of the imagination there folks), they also overdub her voice in every line except one! So for most of the movie she talks with an American accent, and for that one line you hear her real voice, which is a very thick Polish accent! Oh, by the way, I own a copy of this one too!
Anyway, I could go on forever about this movie. But luckily for ya'll, I won't! Just remember the name: Double Agent 73

Super Cronk
24-07-06, 09:07 AM
We dont need two threads based on the exact same thing. The other one askes for your 5 favourite movies and this one askes for your #1.....i dont see the point.